SK Funeral Group

Funeral Packages Singapore

Designed & Cater All Families Of All Scales


Buddhist Funeral Package

Buddhist Funeral Rites will be lead by monks to assist the deceased in transiting towards the next phrase of life.”


Taoist Funeral Package

Taoist Funeral may be complication due to difference of dialect groups and custom requirements.”


Christian Funeral Package

Christian Funeral usually celebrate one’s life hence they are more cheerful instead and this can be observed in a Christian Funeral”


Catholic Funeral Package

Catholic Funeral usually use pictures of Jesus for their backdrops, funeral can be held at hdb,church,parlour.”


Soka Funeral Package

Soka Gakkai focuses not just on the ritual but sincere and chanting of sutra to help deceased to attain enlightenment”


Non-Religious Funeral Package

Freethinker Funeral is usually Clean and simple, wakes are usually in accordance to the family’s wishes and preferences.”

Funeral Packages have been customised based on decades of experience to cater each and every families based on their specified wants and needs to conduct a standard and dignified funeral.